Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation Uses Six Sigma to Cut Costs for Storing Records and Documents

The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) had increasing volumes of records to manage and the cost to store the agency’s records and documents had soared to intolerable levels. Maintaining records at the state’s primary storage and archive facilities meant the way space was utilized had to change, and something had to be done […]

City of Coral Gables Looking Inward and Outward

The City of Coral Gables (FL) IT department worked together on response times and efficiencies with a Lean Six Sigma improvement project. The process empowered their team to look inward and outward, identifying opportunities that could make a difference over a short period of time. One initiative was to dedicate assigned IT liaisons to each […]

City of El Paso Improves Asphalt Repairs

The City of El Paso set out to improve their asphalt repair service and reduce their pothole repair time. The way the process for asphalt repairs was being performed was inconsistent, affecting costs and public service. A team used the Lean Six Sigma process to identify important opportunities: Mobilization – make travel time more efficient Data […]

National Institutes for Food and Drug Control Use Statistics to Safeguard China’s Nearly 1.5 Billion Citizens

The National Institutes for Food and Drug Control (NIFDC) are finding efficient and effective ways on a national level to test the quality and safety of China’s food and medical products at various stages of the product life cycle. NIFDC scientists use statistical methods in JMP® to make more scientific, data-driven regulatory decisions to guarantee […]

State of Nebraska Center of Operational Excellence highlights Lean Six Sigma Successes

Governor Pete Ricketts and the State of Nebraska’s Center of Operational Excellence (COE) highlighted recent examples of how the COE is improving the operations of state agencies. The COE serves as the hub that is working with state agencies to train state teammates on how to improve the operations of government, identify waste, and deliver better […]

Adapting Six Sigma to Improve Student Retention at Rose-Hulman

It is hard to miss story after story in the media about the fluctuations in the global economy and the financial difficulties facing the federal and many state governments across the United States. Dealing with limited resources, funding for higher education has been diverted to meet other high priority needs. Yet society still expects investments […]

Saving Endangered Species with Footprint Analysis

Dr. Sky Alibhai and Dr. Zoe Jewell, who are running a non-profit conservation organization WildTrack, put their dedication into monitoring and studying endangered animals. They learned quickly from locals how to track footprints of rhinos. This led to the creation of an algorithm of endangered species footprints. Using JMP software allows them to estimate the […]

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