Japan Gemba Visit: Lean Thinking in Government – Part 3

In this third and final post in this series about Nakano City Ward Office (see Part 1 and Part 2), learn how General Services on the 1st floor have completely redesigned the flow of work putting the customer at the center of the process and their goals for ongoing improvement. Read more at: http://kbjanderson.com/japan-gemba-visit-lean-thinking-in-government-part-3-redesigning-flow-and-customer-service-in-general-services/

Toyota Motors to help Japanese farmers be more efficient

Toyota Motors Company is using its vast knowledge of production management systems and process improvements to help Japanese farmers handle their heavy workloads. Toyota will teach its “kaizen” (continuous improvement) production system to agricultural workers in the Ishikawa prefecture’s municipalities, located on the Sea of Japan coast. Ishikawa Governor Masanori Tanimoto first sought help from […]

Training future public health practitioners in Kyoto

The School of Public Health at Kyoto University has fully adopted JMP® software for lectures and laboratory courses in its Department of Biostatistics. The school aims to train future public health practitioners with varying educational backgrounds in the statistical concepts they will need to execute a research plan in the field. Students use JMP® Pro software in […]