To promote greater predictability of project effectiveness the process of identifying, developing and prioritizing projects for Tactical Basin Planning (TBP) funding needed to be improved. In addition, they wanted to provide better information-sharing with the public and stakeholders. ​
The team uses integrated watershed assessment information to understand water quality conditions and identify appropriate restoration/protection projects.
Upon completion of the event, the team identified the following improvements:
- Water Quality Project Screening Tool (WPST) now online!
- Included requirement of grant applicants to use WPST to screen for potential natural resource constraints, which was included in guidance materials
- provides basin specific info and regulatory and non-regulatory contact info for a discrete project location.
- Watershed Projects Database revisions completed
- Standardized assessments (that are funded through ERP (Clean Water Funds) are being consistently submitted.
- Stakeholder committee organized at onset
- Desktop assessment conducted based of the of data library collection for the study area.
- Project ranking for each site will occur based on drainage area size, pollutant load reduction potential, percentage of impervious area, proximity to water, hydrological soil group determination, land owner type determination
- Town-wide map and BMP summary sheets
- Site summaries, ranking tables and x sites (typically 5-6) determined for 30% design
- Final project prioritization will be determined
- Stormwater Master Plan Report
- Common prioritization and ranking methods are being applied to implemented projects:
- STP – stormwater treatment practice calculator tool used to assess project efficiencies