Texas State Representative Raul Torres – A Mission to Cut Waste

Rep. Raul Torres believes that Texas can save 20-25 billion dollars from its biennial budget if every department will utilize Lean/Six Sigma methods and he points to the example of the City of Irving, Texas, which Rep. Torres told me cut their budget from $188 million to $168 million while at the same time improving city services.

Torres did manage to pass legislation that will help other politicians to see the value in the Lean/Six Sigma approach. He was able to attach a requirement for a pilot program within the Texas Workforce Commission to Sen. Mike Jackson’s SB-563 in conference.

Read more at: https://blog.chron.com/bigjolly/2011/07/texas-state-rep-raul-torres-%E2%80%93-a-mission-to-cut-waste/