Managing Demand Variation with Lean to Help Asylum Seekers to the Netherlands

The Dutch Immigration and Naturalization (IND) Agency in The Netherlands is seeing a significant increase in the number of refugees. This increase in tens of thousands of applications is due to the current geopolitical situation, with conflict and poverty ravaging several countries. They have embarked on a lean journey with an internal team and begun […]

Using Six Sigma to Address Racial Equity with Joy Mason – Lean Six Sigma for Good

In a recent interview, Joy Mason, CEO and founder of Optimist Business Solutions discusses her background in continuous improvement, what led to the creation of The Six Sigma Racial Equity Instituteâ„¢ (SSREI), along with some project examples. SSREI is an innovative leadership program designed to upskill Black Women to be complex problem solvers. She also […]

Racial equity institute gives Black women Six Sigma training as ‘an opportunity to level the playing field’

Joy Mason helped found the Six Sigma Racial Equity Institute, which is a nonprofit in Indianapolis, Indiana that teaches Black female professionals problem solving skills to receive the institute’s Six Sigma green belt certification. Six Sigma training is normally $5,000, but the tuition is reduced for these women due to corporate sponsorships. Students meet all […]

UC San Diego Hosts Process Palooza 2021 to share and celebrate process improvement

Tracy O’Rourke kicks off the 4th annual Process Palooza 2021. Presenters include Chancellor Pradeep Khosla and Executive Vice Chancellor Elizabeth H. Simmons from University of California San Diego (UCSD). They discuss how continuous improvement was useful in shaping the university’s strategic plan and forming a response to COVID-19. They also share a virtual expo to […]

5 Tips for Starting Lean Six Sigma in Government

Here are 5 tips from Lean Six Sigma experts that will make your Continuous Improvement efforts in government easier and more successful. Start Lean Six Sigma Training With Your Frontline Employees Stop Trying to Run a Lean Six Sigma Program Part Time Change Behaviors & Celebrate Success Make Lean Six Sigma Part of Your Culture Share Lean […]

State of Nebraska Center of Operational Excellence highlights Lean Six Sigma Successes

Governor Pete Ricketts and the State of Nebraska’s Center of Operational Excellence (COE) highlighted recent examples of how the COE is improving the operations of state agencies. The COE serves as the hub that is working with state agencies to train state teammates on how to improve the operations of government, identify waste, and deliver better […]

City of Dallas Adopts Lean Six Sigma

In 2015, the City of Dallas (COD) launched a Lean Six Sigma (LSS) program to help provide services to citizens more efficiently and effectively. The program was placed within the new Office of Innovation (OOI), to help provide the necessary ecosystem that allows ideas to germinate, take root and flourish. LSS works closely with the […]