Applying Lean Thinking and Practice to Systemic Racism

Christopher Chapman follows up his first article on systemic racism by tying the five lean principles to achieving antiracism. Value vs. Waste From an anti-racist perspective, policies, systems, and practices that produce and normalize racial equity are value-added. Those that create and sustain racial inequity between racial groups are nonvalue-added or waste. Value Stream For […]

5 Tips for Starting Lean Six Sigma in Government

Here are 5 tips from Lean Six Sigma experts that will make your Continuous Improvement efforts in government easier and more successful. Start Lean Six Sigma Training With Your Frontline Employees Stop Trying to Run a Lean Six Sigma Program Part Time Change Behaviors & Celebrate Success Make Lean Six Sigma Part of Your Culture Share Lean […]

Employee Engagement Systems to Drive Improvement – Build Reuse Conference

Brion Hurley gave a presentation on how to improve employee engagement through structured management systems from Lean. The talk was given at the Deconstruction and Reuse Conference (hosted by Build Reuse) in Pittsburgh, PA. He shared experiences working with reuse nonprofit organizations like ReStore and The Rebuilding Center. He gave recommendations to organizations on how […]

The Lean Church and Ministry

One of the techniques that businesses are using to drive down waste, improve customer satisfaction and improve bottom line performance is Lean Six Sigma. I never imagined that lean principles could be combined with religious principles. But two men in Wisconsin are doing exactly that, creating the concept of what they call Lean Ministry. Their […]