One group of people that can greatly benefit from Lean Six Sigma training is military veterans who struggle in their transition to civilian life even though they have valuable skills. Employers and former service members aren’t “connecting the dots” on how the military mindset of continuous improvement translates to the Lean Six Sigma concepts that […]
This session from Process Palooza 2021 showcases everything they’ve done to make continuous improvement a core component of operations at UC San Diego. They developed an adaptive, science-driven, behaviorally informed model that integrated daily innovation cycles that allowed them to “mutate our campus operations faster than the virus.” Their comprehensive approach is called “Return to […]
Tracy O’Rourke kicks off the 4th annual Process Palooza 2021. Presenters include Chancellor Pradeep Khosla and Executive Vice Chancellor Elizabeth H. Simmons from University of California San Diego (UCSD). They discuss how continuous improvement was useful in shaping the university’s strategic plan and forming a response to COVID-19. They also share a virtual expo to […]
IT Service Manager Lynn Underwood and Strategic Initiatives Analyst Matt Helton teamed up to tackle the problem as part of their Green Belt Certification at the University. After measuring the end-to-end prep time for nine separate Yellow Belt Classes, they found it ranged from 6 to 8 hours and averaged about 7 hours. Their Sponsor, Senior Director […]