Nicole Lugli is the DEEP Lean Coordinator. DEEP started its Lean Journey in 2008 and has withstood through 4 different commissioners (video filmed in 2016). Over the years, they have expanded their improvements outside of their agency, to optimize an entire value stream through interagency lean events. These events have helped breakdown silos and barriers […]
In 2008, an early Lean initiative at the Connecticut DEEP agency had looked at improved distribution of trout and salmon raised at the state hatcheries, and made improvements to truck and tank technology to reduce noise, fuel and worker fatigue. Raising fish takes about 1-2 years, and each hatchery uses a lot of water and […]
7 New England states entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to help get over 3 million electric vehicles on the roads by 2025 to reduce pollution and fuel consumption. To establish leadership for this program, the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) in the State of Connecticut set up a pilot study by […]
The Lean team was put together from representatives from 3 different agencies within the State of Connecticut to look at the 108 fueling facilities to see if there were opportunities to share, combine or eliminate facilities in order to reduce fueling time for staff, and reduce costs. A current state map of the locations of […]
Starting in 2012, the DOT has been investing in Lean training and events to improve their operations. As of 2016, they have over 700 staff trained in Lean Principles, and 7 staff trained in Advanced Lean Principles. They have conducted 22 full week kaizen events, and helped lead 5 statewide Lean events. Helped to breakdown […]
The State of Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities was faced with a large backlog of 200 cases, and there was frustration from staff and residents about the process. After learning about Lean methods, they formed a committee to review each step of their process, including forms and templates, to figure out what needed […]
Social work was selected as the Model Value Stream (showcase) for the Department of Social Services (DSS). They decided to develop a program called Social Work Kata, which helps them quantify the work they do (more qualitative into quantitative data), prepare for changes in work being done to help with lack of resources, and ultimately […]
In June 2015, tuition reimbursement checks were taking too long to distribute to employees. A kaizen event was organized to bring together different departments and agencies to understand the current state of the process. They created a current state map, identified barriers holding up the process, and then developed a 6-month implementation plan. The plan […]