JPW Fund Helps Connect Cal Poly Students with Nonprofit to Help People with Mental Illness

The James P. Womack Scholarship and Philanthropy Fund (JPW Fund) and the California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly) teamed up with the primary goal to have two student interns analyze and improve core processes at a nonprofit organization, thus inspiring the organization to implement lean practices by showing them various methods to improve their operations. […]

Denver’s Excise and Licenses Department 6S’d over 300,000 files in One Rapid Improvement Event

When the Covid-19 pandemic began, the Excise and Licenses (EXL) department of the City and County of Denver was hard at work identifying what they needed to innovate to adapt to the current circumstances. They had a Rapid Improvement Event focused on streamlining and reorganizing their EXL Shared Drive.  The Action Plan The Rapid Improvement […]

How Lean Six Sigma Reduced Travel Expense Approval Time by 94% in King County

King County streamlines the travel expense process with Eunjoo Greenhouse, the Deputy Director of the Finance and Business Operations Division (FBOD). Valerie Ceban, a Budget Analyst for the Department of Information Technology, wanted to help too as she oversaw the lengthy travel approval process and wanted a good project to pursue her Green Belt Certification. Initial […]

Employee Engagement Systems to Drive Improvement – Build Reuse Conference

Brion Hurley gave a presentation on how to improve employee engagement through structured management systems from Lean. The talk was given at the Deconstruction and Reuse Conference (hosted by Build Reuse) in Pittsburgh, PA. He shared experiences working with reuse nonprofit organizations like ReStore and The Rebuilding Center. He gave recommendations to organizations on how […]