Improving the Work Order Submission Process at Recreation & Parks

A team of tradespeople at the Structural Maintenance Yard (SMY) work hard to fix anything broken or malfunctioning within San Francisco’s park and recreation centers. 60% of work orders submitted to the tradespeople include incomplete or inaccurate information. They don’t have enough information to do the repair without doing extra research via phone calls, emails, […]

Improving Workflow and Space Organization in the Recreation & Parks Electrical Shop

The Structural Maintenance Yard’s (SMY) electrical shop is one of San Francisco’s parks and recreation centers. Electricians had a hard time finding the materials they needed to do their work because materials were placed haphazardly and lacked identifiable labeling. This disorganization also led to over and under-stock issues. Over a series of several rapid improvement […]

Improving Blueprint Review for San Francisco Parks and Recreation Centers

The City of San Francisco wanted to change how it reviews blueprints and building plans for its recreation centers. The Structural Maintenance Yard (SMY) and Capital Divisions did not consistently incorporate feedback about blueprints into revisions, resulting in hidden construction, maintenance issues and potential construction issues going unreported. The Capital and SMY Divisions convened for […]