Make Using Lean Thinking to Help Solve Societal Problems Your New Year’s Resolution

Lean consultant Christopher Chapman shares some inspiring words for 2021. He asks us to “reflect on lessons learned, in true kaizen fashion, and consider the most impactful problems to tackle in 2021.” He points to President-elect Joe Biden’s top priorities for his administration for guidance on where to prioritize our efforts in 2021: Control the […]

Streamlining Capital Projects for Wastewater Treatment near Seattle

Bill Wilbert has worked for the King County Wastewater Treatment Division for 17 years. He’s an Environmental Programs Supervisor for the division and manages the permitting and regulatory compliance workforce. Sandy Kilroy was the Assistant Director for the King County Wastewater Treatment Division. She’s been with Wastewater for a little over 5 years but within […]

Employee Engagement Systems to Drive Improvement – Build Reuse Conference

Brion Hurley gave a presentation on how to improve employee engagement through structured management systems from Lean. The talk was given at the Deconstruction and Reuse Conference (hosted by Build Reuse) in Pittsburgh, PA. He shared experiences working with reuse nonprofit organizations like ReStore and The Rebuilding Center. He gave recommendations to organizations on how […]

Lean Six Sigma in Government with Heather Barto

Heather Barto, with the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services is currently supporting the department in a senior process improvement leadership role. Her advice for anyone who is starting to apply Lean Six Sigma in government are these 3 things: Find a mentor Prepare to be resilient Meet people where they are. A […]

Refreshing Louisville Metro’s Problem-Solving System

In 2012, Louisville Metro setup a process improvement team to help solve problems within the city. Steve Pollock explains how he helped shift the internal improvement experts from reactive coaches to proactive consultants with a daily management system, in order to better engage with the different departments and agencies. They also reduced the lean training […]