TRIUM is a Global EMBA Program operating through an alliance of three renowned universities: London School of Economics (LSE), NYU Stern and HEC Paris. Their improvement project involved an end-to-end process review using Lean Six Sigma to work with all three institutions to create a better package of the portfolio of services that TRIUM use and build […]
1989, Bill Dedman received a Pulitzer Prize for his investigative reporting on racial discrimination by mortgage lenders in middle-income African-American neighborhoods in Atlanta, called “The Color of Money” He helped design a new study in 2016 to evaluate housing discrimination in Long Island, NY. They carefully designed a study (designed experiment) by training undercover real […]
Watch the keynote presentation from Margarette Purvis, President/CEO of Food Bank for New York City, who provides an update on their Lean improvement work with Toyota (TSSC). Efforts resulted in $3 million in reduced inventory of slow moving food, increased distribution of kosher food by 27%, 86% increase in fresh produce to the poorest neighborhoods, […]
New York state, with assistance from Toyota’s TSSC group, made its government more responsive and efficient through an innovative approach — quickly becoming a role model for other state governments. They were able to reduce findings from 7.3 to 3.7, and time to issue certificates from 137 to 28 days. They also reduced day care […]
Professionals from Baker Victory Services (BVS), Community Services for the Developmentally Disabled (CSDD) in Buffalo and People Inc. in Williamsville are taking a fresh look at service delivery through a different lens: the Lean methodology of decreasing waste. Read more at:
Photos from improvement work conducted with nonprofits in the New York City area by Toyota support teams. View photos at:
Instead of donating money, Toyota offered Kaizen to the Food Bank of New York City. Toyota’s engineers cut down the wait time for dinner to 18 minutes from as long as 90 minutes. Read more at:
The short film chronicles how a team from Toyota’s TSSC organization collaborated with staff at Metro World Child, a mobile food distribution unit that distributes emergency food boxes to community members in the Far Rockaways in New York City. How can a non-profit implement Toyota’s legendary production system (TPS) to increase the number of meals […]
How can a non-profit implement Toyota’s legendary production system (TPS) to increase the number of meals distributed to people who are still affected by Superstorm Sandy? Watch this movie to see how it’s done!