Training future public health practitioners in Kyoto

The School of Public Health at Kyoto University has fully adopted JMP® software for lectures and laboratory courses in its Department of Biostatistics. The school aims to train future public health practitioners with varying educational backgrounds in the statistical concepts they will need to execute a research plan in the field. Students use JMP® Pro software in […]

Cary Academy Uses JMP to Optimize Admissions and Class Placement

Simon King, a statistics teacher at Cary Academy in central North Carolina, a private school for grades 6-12, decided to start using statistical software in his classroom. King believes JMP should, and could, be used in classrooms everywhere, both private and public: “JMP makes it affordable. It’s cheaper than textbooks. It’s priced ridiculously competitively. It’s […]

A Smarter Approach to Fundraising

As government funding shrinks and many corporate donors also cut back on charitable giving, it’s a challenging time for the nonprofit world – and more organizations are turning to direct-mail solicitations. That makes things particularly tough for the rescue mission, which has traditionally brought in a strong share of direct-mail donations in the Charlotte area. […]