Reducing Costs in Kern County’s Vehicle Replacement Process

Kern County, located in the southern end of the San Joaquin Valley of California, was facing serious budget challenges. This triggered Kern County’s General Services to reevaluate the process of replacing fleet vehicles and examine leasing options.  Their former process used a seven-year purchase plan versus the Enterprise Lease plan. The estimated annual cost savings for these […]

Eight Workable Strategies for Creating Lean Government

Lean government. The very idea sounds implausible. Even to the seasoned Lean practitioner, the idea of a Lean government sounds far fetched. Governments are traditionally seen as the epitome of bureaucracy, and the guardians of red tape, incomprehensible forms and endless queues. But there are workable Lean strategies for governments seeking to reduce waste and […]

Using Six Sigma to Reduce Pressure Ulcers at Thibodaux Hospital

Thibodaux Regional Medical Center (TRMC) in Louisiana started to apply Six Sigma and change management methods to a range of clinical and operational issues. In October 2004, one project that clearly aligned with the hospital’s strategic plan was an initiative to reduce nosocomial or hospital-acquired pressure ulcers. The project to address this issue was approved by […]