IPI Business Office Holds Office 5S Event

A few volunteers in Business Office of Iowa Prison Industries participated in an office 5S event to improve our office supply storage space and reduce waste. 5S is an organizational tool used to eliminate waste and provide a place for everything and a system to keep everything in its place! Some of the benefits we are […]

Iowa Prison Industries Adds Lean Metric Boards

“You can’t manage what you don’t measure.” – W. Edwards Deming W. Edwards Deming was a visionary when it comes to LEAN principles and continuous improvement. And he was correct, there can be no continuous improvement if we do not measure! IPI is focusing efforts to implement Lean Manufacturing in ALL of its operations for […]

Iowa Prison Industries Improve Kitchen Cabinet Productivity To Earn Lean Award

The Iowa Partners in Efficiency (IPE) award is an annual award given by the Iowa Lean Consortium that acknowledges the achievements of particular benefit to the citizens of Iowa and the private sector, recognizing public sector employees and teams that significantly and measurably increase productivity and promote innovation to improve the delivery of public services […]