Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Progress and Performance Assessment from an Industrial and Systems Engineering Perspective

The webinar was led by Tonya Smith-Jackson, Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs at NC A&T State University and IISE’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee chairperson, and is joined by D. Scott Sink, Ohio State University. They are also joined by Bevlee Watford, Associate Dean, Equity and Engagement at Virginia Tech, College of Engineering, along […]

Overcoming structural racism with lean leadership

With the recent events happening in the US with racial inequality, but things aren’t much better in Brazil. 55% of the population is non-white (“black” or “mixed-race”). Despite this, an overwhelmingly homogeneous white male majority exists in most organizations. Structural racism is a reality in Brazil and it is everyone’s responsibility to join forces with […]

A lean view on racism

Racism, inclusion and discrimination is not a problem many lean thinkers are called to tackle in their daily lives at work, but that doesn’t mean that Lean Thinking has nothing to say about it. Roberto Priolo interviews Michael Balle, co-founder of the Institut Lean France, and is asked numerous questions, including: If we look at […]