Lean Applied at Reykjavik Iceland City Government Sports and Leisure Department

The sports and leisure department of Reykjavik City Government has used targeted lean training starting in 2018 to empower employees and boost collaboration in a divided workplace with different processes. Gudrun Palina Jonsdottir from the city’s family park and zoo joins Jóhanna Gardarsdottir to share their lean experiences. You can watch the video below, or […]

Care for People & Animals Drives Improvement at San Diego Humane Society

Hosts Tracy O’Rourke and Elisabeth Swan interview Audrey Lang (Sr. Vice President of Organizational Development) and Tina Nguyen (VP of Employee Engagement) from the San Diego Humane Society. It’s an open-admission private nonprofit animal shelter in the San Diego County area to care for over 50,000 animals. They describe how their care-centered culture improves their […]

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