The Center for Nonprofit Resources (C4NPR) partnered with to run a FastPitch Workshop. The workshop teaches the inner workings of Lean Six Sigma and shows how continuous improvement can be accessible to their local nonprofit and government community. Teams participate in a hands-on approach, learning skills such as process mapping, charts building, problem solving, […]
Meghan Taylor is a Senior Clerk at LA County’s Election Operations Center (EOC), and the primary focus of her role has become Lean Six Sigma Consulting. After 73% of her new election hires didn’t show up for training, Meghan found her new process improvement project: the Hiring Process. The results of their efforts… They met […]
Kimberly Fleming works for the Retirement Team at King County in the state of Washington. The Position Eligibility Worksheet was a huge pain point for everyone involved in the Retirement Position Eligibility program. The team was tasked with creating value stream maps of processes within their department to identify waste. After reviewing the form with the 8 Wastes in mind, […]
An interview with Kamaljit Jackson, Senior Accountability and Efficiency Officer at Racine Unified School District in Wisconsin. In the district, she helped coordinate kaizen events to improve the student registration processes in conjunction with regulatory requirements. They came up with a one-stop-shop approach to sign-up, which cut out time and hassle for parents, and reduced waste […]
Alicia Saake of Feeding San Diego is a great organization applying process improvement to help people in need. After taking some Lean Six Sigma training, she has been helping the food bank run more efficiently. For example, she helped develop shadow boards for their tools, to reduce time for volunteers to find what they need. […]
Cape Cod Child Development in Cape Cod, MA is a trailblazer in applying Lean Six Sigma to the nonprofit world. Grants are being completed 90 percent of the time within 24 hours of the due date, giving the grant writer minimal time to review. This impacts the efficiencies within the process which could potentially result in […]
Just-in-Time Cafe hosts interview John Dickson, the COO of Spokane County in the State of Washington. In Spokane County, since 2014, they’ve had over 500 improvement projects. He’ll explain how he has created so much activity around process improvement in local government. You’ll also hear some of the challenges of what prevents leaders from doing […]
In the state of Washington, Tacoma Public Schools is striving to improve the education they provide to their children by: The staff received Lean Six Sigma Green Belt training to learn how to apply Lean Six Sigma concepts in real world applications and complete improvement projects that make an impact. The online Lean Six Sigma […]
Jeff Foster, Director of Process Improvement at San Diego Zoo Global first learned about Six Sigma while working in operations at Starwood in the hotel industry. He made a career change, and went over to the San Diego Zoo and started working in their wildlife section, where they’re trying to save animal species. He shares […]
To provide support for the vision of the “Best Run Government,” King County in Washington (near Seattle) felt that integrating Lean and process improvement concepts was a necessity. The message was that instead of accepting the status quo, leaders should be bold, challenge the process and work to make processes, products and services as good […]