Center for Nonprofit Resources Runs FastPitch Workshop to Introduce Lean Six Sigma

The Center for Nonprofit Resources (C4NPR) partnered with to run a FastPitch Workshop. The workshop teaches the inner workings of Lean Six Sigma and shows how continuous improvement can be accessible to their local nonprofit and government community. Teams participate in a hands-on approach, learning skills such as process mapping, charts building, problem solving, […]

Reducing Position Eligibility Review Time by 30% with Kimberly Fleming

Kimberly Fleming works for the Retirement Team at King County in the state of Washington. The Position Eligibility Worksheet was a huge pain point for everyone involved in the Retirement Position Eligibility program. The team was tasked with creating value stream maps of processes within their department to identify waste. After reviewing the form with the 8 Wastes in mind, […]

Racine School District Using Lean Six Sigma to Help Families

An interview with Kamaljit Jackson, Senior Accountability and Efficiency Officer at Racine Unified School District in Wisconsin. In the district, she helped coordinate kaizen events to improve the student registration processes in conjunction with regulatory requirements. They came up with a one-stop-shop approach to sign-up, which cut out time and hassle for parents, and reduced waste […]

Improving Grant Submission Cycle Time by an Entire Week at Cape Cod Child Development – GoLeanSixSigma

Cape Cod Child Development in Cape Cod, MA is a trailblazer in applying Lean Six Sigma to the nonprofit world. Grants are being completed 90 percent of the time within 24 hours of the due date, giving the grant writer minimal time to review. This impacts the efficiencies within the process which could potentially result in […]

Leaning Into Lean Leadership in Government With John Dickson – GoLeanSixSigma

Just-in-Time Cafe hosts interview John Dickson, the COO of Spokane County in the State of Washington. In Spokane County, since 2014, they’ve had over 500 improvement projects. He’ll explain how he has created so much activity around process improvement in local government. You’ll also hear some of the challenges of what prevents leaders from doing […]