Krista Schulte is the Assistant Director of Operational Excellence for the University of Michigan. She discusses her background, and how she is helping implement Lean in higher education. They also discuss an upcoming Lean in Higher Education conference in San Diego. She also describes what it was like having Jeffrey Liker as a professor when he was […]
Tim Turner worked at Toyota in Kentucky (TMMK) for 22 years, and has done a lot of work with nonprofits and not-for-profit organizations. He created the book, One Team on All Levels: Stories from Toyota Team Members In this podcast interview, he discusses his vast experiences and positions at Toyota, his perspective on servant leadership, […]
Non-profit organization Lex-Pro arranges work for people with disabilities. One of Toyota’s top executives appealed to Lexington business leaders Friday, asking them to offer not money but work to Lex-Pro. In January, Toyota setup a work cell inside their plant for Lex-Pro workers to perform sub-assembly work on exhaust brackets. An 11-person team rotates in […]