IPI Business Office Holds Office 5S Event

A few volunteers in Business Office of Iowa Prison Industries participated in an office 5S event to improve our office supply storage space and reduce waste. 5S is an organizational tool used to eliminate waste and provide a place for everything and a system to keep everything in its place! Some of the benefits we are […]

Iowa Prison Industries Adds Lean Metric Boards

“You can’t manage what you don’t measure.” – W. Edwards Deming W. Edwards Deming was a visionary when it comes to LEAN principles and continuous improvement. And he was correct, there can be no continuous improvement if we do not measure! IPI is focusing efforts to implement Lean Manufacturing in ALL of its operations for […]

Lean Kaizen Streamlines Temporary Restricted License Application Process at Iowa DOT

Over the years, Iowa state government has been involved with numerous improvement processes, with varying degrees of success.  One improvement tool now in action in the Iowa DOT’s Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) is the Kaizen process, supported by the Iowa Department of Management’s (DOM) Office of Lean Enterprise. Mark Lowe, MVD director, says his group […]

Lean Thinking in Government: The State of Iowa

Government agencies throughout Iowa are applying the kaizen event methodology and lean principles to streamline the workflow and find permanent solutions to chronic problems. A case study of a kaizen event held at Iowa Veterans Home is discussed, which achieved the following results over the last few years. The article also discusses the implementation of […]