San Francisco Public Library (SFPL) employs approximately 900 staff. On average, hiring a librarian takes about six months, and SFPL can have as many as 90 hiring processes in progress at any one time. A long hiring process causes roles to remain empty and results in fewer library staff available to assist patrons. SFPL partnered […]
A team of tradespeople at the Structural Maintenance Yard (SMY) work hard to fix anything broken or malfunctioning within San Francisco’s park and recreation centers. 60% of work orders submitted to the tradespeople include incomplete or inaccurate information. They don’t have enough information to do the repair without doing extra research via phone calls, emails, […]
The Structural Maintenance Yard’s (SMY) electrical shop is one of San Francisco’s parks and recreation centers. Electricians had a hard time finding the materials they needed to do their work because materials were placed haphazardly and lacked identifiable labeling. This disorganization also led to over and under-stock issues. Over a series of several rapid improvement […]
The City of San Francisco wanted to change how it reviews blueprints and building plans for its recreation centers. The Structural Maintenance Yard (SMY) and Capital Divisions did not consistently incorporate feedback about blueprints into revisions, resulting in hidden construction, maintenance issues and potential construction issues going unreported. The Capital and SMY Divisions convened for […]
In the city of San Francisco, Central Contracts is responsible for managing the panel evaluation process for professional services contracting for the Controller’s Office. The process was time-consuming, labor intensive and lead to delays in executing contracts. Central Contracts worked with the City Performance Lean Team to develop improved standard score sheets and more efficient […]
Staff from the Transit and Muni Customer Service (MCS) divisions of San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) embarked on a journey to improve the process by which it responds to employee-related feedback. Over a series of four rapid improvement meetings, the project team improved the process by: Creating standard guidelines for processing key types of […]
The city of San Francisco has a food stamps program called CalFresh. Staff from SF BenefitsNet, the City agency that administers CalFresh, worked over three days to improve their processes. Their initiatives included: making forms easier for clients to understand creating lobby posters so clients know what documents they need removing unneeded, confusing materials from […]