Make Using Lean Thinking to Help Solve Societal Problems Your New Year’s Resolution

Lean consultant Christopher Chapman shares some inspiring words for 2021. He asks us to “reflect on lessons learned, in true kaizen fashion, and consider the most impactful problems to tackle in 2021.” He points to President-elect Joe Biden’s top priorities for his administration for guidance on where to prioritize our efforts in 2021: Control the […]

Applying Lean Thinking and Practice to Systemic Racism

Christopher Chapman follows up his first article on systemic racism by tying the five lean principles to achieving antiracism. Value vs. Waste From an anti-racist perspective, policies, systems, and practices that produce and normalize racial equity are value-added. Those that create and sustain racial inequity between racial groups are nonvalue-added or waste. Value Stream For […]

Lean and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion – Lean Blog Podcast

Mark Graban interviews Christopher D. Chapman, Senior Lean Transformation Coach at Chapman Lean Enterprise, and Dr. Valeria Sinclair-Chapman, a social scientist, Associate Professor, and Director of the Center for Research on Diversity and Inclusion at Purdue University. They discuss Christopher’s article “Lean in Lean Thinkers to Root Out Racial Inequity” and the intersection and overlap between Lean […]

Lean in Lean Thinkers to Root Out Racial Inequity

Christopher Chapman, Senior Lean Transformation Coach, calls on lean thinkers to leverage our skills to eradicate the waste of racism in our businesses, worker lives, their families, their community and society. Lean thinkers: We have plenty of experience using humble inquiry and other problem-solving tools to root-out non-valued-activities in our organizations. Now we need to […]