What are some useful tools for process improvement experts amidst the COVID19-induced chaos, that also continues to inspire the “collective innovative spirit.” Katie from the City of Denver’s Peak Academy has identified these 6 tools to help you in the virtual world: Brainstorming Voice of the Customer Process Mapping Visual Management Nudges & Social Engineering […]
The City of Coral Gables (FL) IT department worked together on response times and efficiencies with a Lean Six Sigma improvement project. The process empowered their team to look inward and outward, identifying opportunities that could make a difference over a short period of time. One initiative was to dedicate assigned IT liaisons to each […]
A presentation given by John Lafferty at an ASQ Blue Ridge chapter meeting. The improvement team from the Light of Marnie organization was trying to improve the image of the community, and help them better understand their stakeholders. The project cleaned up local roads and fixed potholes, improved the appearance to buildings and schools, and provided […]
The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (JFS) had internal customers request delivery or pick-up of state record boxes. Emergency situations such as requests for files for litigation or audits cause the delivery schedule to go awry. Employees frequently work past their scheduled work day, or run out of time to complete deliveries. They […]
The issuance of Notice of Operational Deficiency (NOD) process resulted in a backlog of referrals that needed to be cleared. From late 2013 to early 2017, little work was done to complete the NOD referrals. This was due to no clear defined NOD process, NOD referral rates faster than can currently be produced, and thus […]
Change was needed at the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services because there was no standard process for their orientation, screening, assessment and treatment plan. Current and future state mapping was conducted to identify improvement opportunities. Ideas were brainstormed and organized using an Affinity diagram, and included orientation training, visualizing the waiting list, […]