Social Work Kata Helps State of Connecticut Better Serve People

Social work was selected as the Model Value Stream (showcase) for the Department of Social Services (DSS). They decided to develop a program called Social Work Kata, which helps them quantify the work they do (more qualitative into quantitative data), prepare for changes in work being done to help with lack of resources, and ultimately better serve the people in need

They explained the kata process using PDCA, and how it correlates nicely to the social work process they follow when working with people:

  • Determine the vision
  • Define current condition
  • Identify the next target condition
  • Move toward target

Laurie Ann Wagner was brought in to lead the initiative full-time, and she explains the process they are following at the higher level for establishing the showcase for social work:

  • Documenting the current state process and policies
  • Establish the baseline data using paper collection
  • Identify best practices and industry standards
  • Identify opportunities for improvement from frontline staff
  • Recommendations and Implementation

Watch the Social Work Kata training session at DSS by watching the video “DSS Launches an Ambitious Project” at