Risk Reduction For Inmate Earned Credit Program Simplified by Department of Corrections

The Connecticut Department of Corrections wanted to streamline the process to better understand how 5 days of earned credit for good behavior is managed and communicated to inmates, public, state agencies and leadership. Inmates are classified on a 1-5 scale (5 being the most risky).

The kaizen event team mapped the current state of the process, came up with improvement ideas, got feedback and made adjustments, and finalized a solution.

The new process adjusted the 5 days to align with their classification level, setting maximum numbers of days off for each level. Level 4 can get up to 3 days, but Level 1 can get the full 5 days. The feedback was positive, saying the new process is easier to understand.

You can watch the 8-minute video called “DOC Risk Reduction Earned Credit” at https://www.gembaacademy.com/guests/state-of-connecticut