Region of Peel Remains Committed to Continuous Improvement

The Region of Peel (Ontario, Canada) continues to demonstrate its commitment to providing services that are effective and efficient, which provide value for the residents’ tax dollars. This commitment ensures that the Region remains innovative in order to improve community outcomes.

The Region developed a Continuous Improvement Program to ensure client needs and user experiences are the focus of improvement initiatives which help to save and avoid costs.

Over the past 12 months, 22 improvement initiatives were completed – with cost savings of $7.2 million and cost avoidance of $3.69 million. Some of the initiatives completed include:

  • Reducing $333K in costs for contracted services for office facility operations and maintenance;
  • Finding reductions of over $550K annually in Disease Prevention and Early Growth and Development without affecting current service levels;
  • Achieving $365K cost avoidance for street lighting by improving lighting conditions and reducing energy consumption and electrical demand; and,
  • Achieving $2.9M cost avoidance in water and wastewater management through Alternate Locate agreements implemented in 2018.

The financial benefits achieved from the program were reflected in the 2018 Continuous Improvement report to Council on Jan. 10, 2019.