Providing more meals for impoverished people – Lean Global Connection

Cara Gabris, Director of Distribution at the Houston Food Bank, and Monte Mitchell of the Lean Enterprise Institute of North America, discuss a six-month project to improve the food bank’s kitchen operations. The project aimed to increase meal production to 10,000 meals daily while maintaining quality and timeliness. 

The goal was to get consistent results by ensuring that food tray flow was under 3 seconds per station, but the current state was between 3 and 7 seconds.

Key improvements included implementing a visual scheduling system using magnets on the wall, standardizing volunteer tasks (including line replenishment), refining food-scooping techniques, and improving overall workflow to reduce stress and enhance safety.

The initiative successfully increased meal production, reduced food waste, and created a better work environment. The presentation concludes with a call to action encouraging viewers to engage with their local food banks.

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