Non-profit organization Lex-Pro arranges work for people with disabilities. One of Toyota’s top executives appealed to Lexington business leaders Friday, asking them to offer not money but work to Lex-Pro. In January, Toyota setup a work cell inside their plant for Lex-Pro workers to perform sub-assembly work on exhaust brackets. An 11-person team rotates in […]
Russell Maroni, a Lean Six Sigma leader at The Akron Children’s Hospital Center of Operations Excellence (COE), had the opportunity to spend much time in Haiti as a selfless volunteer. During his time there, he wrote his thoughts in a journal, which he has since published as a Kindle Book. When you buy and read […]
The University of Texas Pan American (UTPA) encourages students to “Prepare, Discover, Transform.” As the University has become highly successful, it now struggled to support the demands of the increased volume of a growing regional University. A 3-day Value Stream Mapping event was held to focus on the procurement process. With this detailed view of […]
A reprographics shop at Cuyahoga Community College conducted a 5S event to sort out excess supplies, organize the needed materials, and optimize the flow of product through their shop. This resulted in improved customer service and satisfaction.
Toyota has partnered with St. Vincent De Paul in Cincinnati to help more efficiently pack and distribute Thanksgiving Day boxes. A Toyota employee volunteered during last year’s handout and noticed the process could be more efficient. This year, he brought in experts from Toyota’s assembly line to meet with key volunteers. They’ve got the packing […]
Newton, Iowa, a community of over 15,000 people in Central Iowa, has received national attention for its community’s low unemployment rate, job opportunities, and affordability. The City of Newton struggled with an outdated payroll process for years, their inconsistent process resulted in errors and costly rework. Lean consultants and the staff collaborated to standardize forms and […]
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA ) analyzes air traffic data to help planes keep their distance and improves automation of air traffic systems and supports air traffic controllers with more accurate and timely information. The FAA uses JMP® statistical discovery software to retrieve and examine millions of pieces of data from its air traffic control […]
As government funding shrinks and many corporate donors also cut back on charitable giving, it’s a challenging time for the nonprofit world – and more organizations are turning to direct-mail solicitations. That makes things particularly tough for the rescue mission, which has traditionally brought in a strong share of direct-mail donations in the Charlotte area. […]
This article aims to show how some lean concepts have been applied at Cooperativa Aliança to address the work environment and increase the processing of materials. After the improvements, they were able to increase productivity (200 to 300 kg per day) and wages (R$140 to 320), and reduce cycle time (75 to 10 minutes) and lead […]
The Veterans Affairs Cooperative Studies Program (VACSP) Clinical Research Pharmacy Coordinating Center (the Center) is a federal government organization that supports multicenter clinical trials targeting current health issues for America’s veterans. While the Center focuses its efforts on improving the health of U.S. veterans, it also strives to be a leader and innovator in the […]