Akron Children’s Hospital provided Lean Six Sigma training and certification of two employees of the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank. The costs of Six Sigma training, even when nonprofits understand the benefits, tend to rule it out as a process improvement option. At about $6,000 per person, it’s hard to justify when resources are already stretched.
The time between food donation and delivery was 92 days when the program started. Today, it takes 39 days for food to be received, sorted, inspected, packed and delivered. And as more people learn and apply Lean and Six Sigma principles, the teams have a lot of confidence that the gap can be narrowed even more – perhaps even in the 20-day range.
Another example at the Cleveland Public Library is discussed in the article.
Read more at:Â https://www.sixsigmadaily.com/ohio-nonprofits-reap-benefits-six-sigma-training/