Lean thinking, better teaching

A Dutch primary school discovered how lean principles could be used to tackle an overburdening (muri) of staff in 10 of its 55 schools.

Linda van Driel and Eric Steenbakkers (lean coaches) brought A3 thinking to Zaan Primair, a problem-solving method that would help them to clarify where the overburdening came from.

An initial analysis showed that there were three peaks of work throughout the year, represented by activities like the parent-teacher meetings. Incidents, which could be anything ranging from a fight between students to a discussion between a teacher and a parent) also appeared to take a huge amount of the teachers’ time each day. (It is worth mentioning that these activities are often work that teachers take home and that can potentially create a lot of emotional unrest.)

Read the entire article at: https://planet-lean.com/lean-process-improvement-elementary-schools/