Lean Six Sigma Students at Ohio State Business College Improving Efficiencies for Social Enterprises

The Center for Social Enterprise Development (CSED) and The Ohio State University (OSU) Max M. Fisher College of Business have partnered to match local social entrepreneurs with undergraduate business students for a Lean Six Sigma development initiative. This is the third semester of the partnership, in which students apply business operations management skills to benefit organizations in a real-world setting.

Cheryl Dickerson created the Partnership for Excellence program at OSU’s Fisher College of Business to help students apply a proven set of process improvement tools to real-world business problems, and to support the school’s commitment to community engagement. She helped coordinate the participation of the following organizations in the Spring semester of 2017

  • Clarfield Farm (Urban Farms of Central Ohio)
  • Glass Axis
  • Habitat for Humanity MidOhio ReStore
  • HireLevel Auto
  • Hot Chicken Takeover
  • The Roosevelt Coffeehouse

Specific examples of projects implemented include:

  • The Roosevelt Coffeehouse
    • Wanted to increase their understanding of the benefits of a structured process improvement approach to their operations.
    • Team recommended more structured and streamlined closing procedure, saving 84 labor hours per year and increase their bottom line and greater social impact.
  • HireLevel Auto social enterprise
    • 1st project was to improve the triage process and increase the number of quality, used cars available for sale
    • 2nd project team would almost double sales and provide additional employment opportunities for eight youth.

The business school students are very competent in Six Sigma process improvement methodology and eager to understand our business and apply their findings in ways that will deliver sustained social impact for many years to come.

Read the entire article at https://themetropreneur.com/columbus/osu-fisher-college-of-business-lean-six-sigma-students-improve-efficiencies-for-social-enterprises/