Lean Six Sigma in Government with Tracy O’Rourke – Lean Blog Interview Podcast

In an interview with Mark Graban on the Lean Blog Interview podcast, Tracy O’Rourke discusses her 20 years in consulting, from her time at General Electric learning Six Sigma under Jack Welch, to her work in transactional process, government, nonprofit and education.

She shares an example of working with a government agency to help change the culture and reduce setup time and increase flow.

They also discuss observations from the gemba at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) vaccination sites and how lean can be applied.

Tracy is the co-author of The Problem-Solver’s Toolkit: A Surprisingly Simple Guide to Your Lean Six Sigma Journey, and is the co-founder of the Just-in-Time Cafe.

Check out the video below, or listen to the audio at https://www.leanblog.org/2021/05/tracy-orourke-on-vaccinations-lean-six-sigma-in-government-and-more/