Lean in Higher Education and New Hampshire State Government – New England Lean Podcast

Host Paul Critchley interviews two guests who work at the University Systems of New Hampshire (UNH).

Dagmar Vlahos is a Lean and Six Sigma Black Belt who continued her Lean training with the State of New Hampshire. In 2015 she received her Lean Black Belt through the State of New Hampshire Bureau of Education. She is a member of the Lean Executive Committee (LEC) at the State of New Hampshire, and participates in the State of New Hampshire Lean Network and organized the New Hampshire Lean Summit at UNH.

Thomas Lencki, Jr. was employed with the New Hampshire State Police for over 20 years. Tom worked on creating a positive Lean culture in the State Police and developed a staff engagement plan for all State Police employees with the Lean White Belt Course. Tom is passionate about Lean and what it brings to the workplace. He believes building teams are critical for a successful project outcome.

Tom received his Lean Black Belt, Green Belt and Yellow Belt through the New Hampshire Bureau of Education and Training. Prior to the State Police, Tom was enlisted in the United States Marine Corps for 4 years.

Tom & Dagmar are Senior Process Engineers for the University System of New Hampshire. They provide Lean services across the entire University System as well as instructs Lean for University employees.

Watch the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ne57f3eu-7U or listen to the podcast at https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/lean-in-higher-education-government-dagmar-vlahos-tom/id1529380020?i=1000508171712