Innovation and Teamwork with Public Health Inspection’s Child Care Program Team

In the City and County of Denver there are approximately 640 licensed child care programs watching over children, ranging in size from large centers to small family child care homes. The State of Colorado’s Office of Early Childhood announced increased inspection frequency requirements so that all facilities would have to be inspected within 18 months, dramatically increasing their workload with a short turnaround time.

In order to meet the new frequency requirements and serve 33,000 boys and girls, the Child Care Team worked diligently to design their own production board that not only allowed them to track every inspection needed to be completed before the end of the year, but also helped them see if certain team members were more overloaded than others.

By creating a simple production board with sticky notes and markers, they were able to turn an overwhelming situation into a manageable one, not only making it possible for them to complete all inspections by deadline, but also ended up:

  • Saving the City of Denver $1,175 in soft dollar savings
  • Reducing the amount of time it took each day to allocate unassigned cases in the vacant districts
  • The department came together as a team and was more productive

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