Innovation in Denver’s Short-Term Rental Licensing Helps to Boost Compliance

The City and County of Denver proposed a new citywide licensing and enforcement system in 2016 that allows short-term rentals (STRs) in Denver’s residential neighborhoods to ensure the city’s rules and regulations are staying current with the emerging “shared economy.”

To quickly develop processes that efficiently and effectively track STR operators throughout the city, the department mapped out the compliance process and created a tracking system. They mailed 1,057 Notice of Violations (NOV) letters to unlicensed operators in early 2017 to make sure the businesses operating STRs in Denver are complying with the new rules.

Two months into enforcement, the City and County of Denver has issued over 1,000 Short-Term Rental licenses, or more than one-third of STR properties in the city. Although Denver has only been licensing STRs for eight months – and enforcing for only two months – the city has already surpassed other municipalities in terms of compliance rate and number of licenses issued.

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