A team of tradespeople at the Structural Maintenance Yard (SMY) work hard to fix anything broken or malfunctioning within San Francisco’s park and recreation centers. 60% of work orders submitted to the tradespeople include incomplete or inaccurate information. They don’t have enough information to do the repair without doing extra research via phone calls, emails, and site visits. Visiting a park site to clarify a confusing work order could create a backlog of other tasks that need attention.
The team worked to improve the work order process by:
- Revising forms and templates used in the work order request system
- Creating a visual management tool to assess issue priority level
- Updating training on the work order submission process
- Setting orientation standards for new hires to be familiar with
- Creating a prototype of a “tag/sticker” that identifies issue areas
- Revising the requestor form and templates with drop-down menus
Since implementing these improvements, the team surpassed their goal of having 84% of work orders be submitted with sufficient information.
Read the entire article at https://sfcontroller.org/sites/default/files/Documents/Auditing/WO%20RIE%201-pager%20final%20%28003%29.pdf