The Controller’s Office Human Resources team in the city of San Francisco, conducts standardized exams for all accounting job applicants in the City. Administering the exam is labor intensive, time-consuming, error prone and requires keen oversight and review. The HR team partnered with the Lean Team to strengthen their processes.
Over a series of four rapid improvement meetings, the project team improved the process by:
- Consolidating documents in exam packets
- Updating exam invites to convey procedures and expectations
- Standardizing exam proctor roles during an exam
- Streamlining the registration process for candidates
- Adding signage to minimize wait time
- Designing a new cellphone intake process for exams
After measuring their improvements, they captured these results:
- Exam preparation time went down by more than half from over 4 hours to less than 2 hours
- Removing the need to prep exam-approved pencils eliminated a day’s worth of extra work
- Registration time for 200 candidates on exam day went down from 45 minutes to 25 minutes
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