Heath Tecna “Kaizen for a Cause” Teams Raise Money for 3 Charities

Heath Tecna brought in Impact Washington for a large Lean Training and implementation program funded partially through the Job Skills program. The Lean enterprise project encompassed all areas of the company and included several kaizen events throughout the facility.

For one the of Kaizen events, Heath Tecna decided to include local charities in their improvement initiative. Called “Kaizen for a Cause”, Heath Tecna formed three Kaizen Lean teams, each tasked with improving their respective current state die setup processes. Each group was associated with a local charity, with the winning group earning the largest donation for their charity. Each team’s objective was to reduce setup times by 50% and labor by 50%. Impact Washington’s service provider, Rick Baker, worked with each team on their kaizen projects.

Read more at: https://impactwashington.org/success-stories/kaizen-for-cause-heath-tecna/