Jacksonville and Duval County (Florida) is working to make veteran homelessness rare and brief. At the heart of this movement is the insight that communities can’t fix what they can’t see.
Community Solutions teamed up with the Tableau Foundation and Built for Zero communities to gather and analyze real-time homelessness data.
This takes the anonymity out of homelessness. The Jacksonville team is made up of all the organizations that can contribute to ending homelessness across the city and county.
By putting a name to each person or family along with what it will take to connect each one with a home, they know whether what they’re doing is working or not.
They created a scatter plot diagram showing the intersection of time on the streets versus risk levels. The individuals who are on the street the longest and have the highest risks can more easily be identified from the rest.
Read the entire article and watch a short video at https://www.joinbuiltforzero.org/harnessing-data-to-end-veteran-homelessness-in-jacksonville-florida/