An employee in the Denver Department of Finance, took a Black Belt Training and immediately started innovating and changing the way the City and County of Denver, and its employees, solve problems.
One of the first things he did was improve the Conference Room Scheduling Process in Denver’s Wellington Webb Building (Webb Building). Conference rooms were often double-booked and employees could not see the availability of the room concerning other rooms, or concerning an invitees’ schedule.
Their improvements started with a total of low efforts with high impacts (quick-wins), like leveraging evidence-based methods such as Standard of Work (SOW) and Gemba Walks. They also used existing technology and processes from Denver entities like DEN/DIA (and their use of Microsoft Outlook Calendar for scheduling Denver Conference Rooms).
Their improvements gained the following results:
- Meeting room requests increased by more than 90%
- Time spent scheduling a conference room decreased by roughly 95%
- 20k hours per year of an actual Denver employee’s time was saved
- The employees workload was able to be efficiently reprioritized
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