Changing the Denver Library’s Circulation Process for New Books

The Denver Public Library saved $184,280 in soft costs through three innovations. The largest of the three was the DePop process (new popular books were labeled “Pop”. When these books went into regular circulation, the labels were removed in a process called DePopping).

Their old process had only 67% of new items being DePopped correctly, which resulted in inconsistencies in item record data. Through innovation, they decided to have all new books auto-DePopped at the start of each month. The multi-step process was then reduced to one step (removing a label) that could be done by anyone, even volunteers.

All new books are now being DePopped with 100% accuracy and:
– Save 375,300 minutes of staff time
– Save $179,800.93 per year
– Staff have more time to focus on meeting customer needs

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