A lean view on racism

Racism, inclusion and discrimination is not a problem many lean thinkers are called to tackle in their daily lives at work, but that doesn’t mean that Lean Thinking has nothing to say about it. Roberto Priolo interviews Michael Balle, co-founder of the Institut Lean France, and is asked numerous questions, including: If we look at […]

Improvement Success Stories from the State of Minnesota

The Minnesota Office of Continuous Improvement (CI) measures its performance by tracking how much CI principles are embraced and used in the state of Minnesota government. This is captured through two primary metrics: attendance in CI training programs, and completion of CI projects and events.  Below are some of the problem-solving success stories they have […]

Reducing Late Approvals by 81% at UC Davis

Kymberly Epperson and Darlene Schlueter set out to streamline the food event registration process at UC San Diego to ensure campus compliance, food safety and higher customer satisfaction. After research, Kymberly and Darlene found: Users reporting the online registration system to be complex and burdensome, impacting the customer experience. Big dining events, or barbecues are required […]

Denver Sheriff Department Improves Inmate Request Process

The Denver Sheriff Department (DSD) improved the “Inmate Request Process,” through a very visual & innovative solution. Led by JaQuale Brooks and her team at Denver’s county jail, they collaborated with DSD deputies & other DSD units to identify the inmates’ needs through brainstorming sessions, action plans, innovation forms, and consistent management of project check-ins. […]

Book Review: “We Don’t Make Widgets” and Other Myths about Improving Government

by Brion Hurley One of the more popular books related to process improvement in government is “We Don’t Make Widgets: Overcoming the Myths That Keep Government from Radically Improving” by Ken Miller. Ken Miller, who also wrote Extreme Government Makeover, is the founder of the Change and Innovation Agency, a firm dedicated to increasing government’s […]