After Business Redesign, Arizona Processes 109% More Medical Applications Each Month

From 2009 to 2010, the State of Arizona’s SNAP caseload increase was ranked 5th in the nation. During this time, the state had to eliminate 300 eligibility positions due to budget cuts.

The Department of Economic Security (DES) joined with Change & Innovation Agency (C!A) and analyzed the agency’s most important eligibility practices to determine different strategies for processing the work and rolled out the new processes statewide in local offices.

After implementing the new processes, they had these outcomes:

  • Approximately 8 out of 10 customers calling in or mailing in applications receive a determination the same day. The remaining customers wait approximately two days for a determination after submitting required verification.
  • As of January 2016, staff are processing an average of 16,253 medical applications each month, an increase of 109% over September 2014
  • 59% more phone interviews were conducted between January and February 2014. These customers previously would have been “force disconnected” or had to call in multiple times to speak with a worker.

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