A Public Health Inspection Team Started Keeping their Score, then saw Immediate Improvements

The Residential Housing team, within the Healthy Families, Healthy Homes section of Public Health Inspections (PHI), discovered the process for closing out a complaint investigation was taking too long and the investigators’ volume of work was starting to reach unsustainable levels.

The team used highly specific data that showed which kinds of cases were taking the longest and appearing most frequently, how the workload was distributed to each investigator and the trends of complaint volume over the last five years.

The team identified ways to improve their complaint resolution practices and develop targeted efforts to pro-actively prepare for certain types of frequent complaints.

When the team began to truly understand what the score was, they saw an almost immediate improvement in the length of time for open cases and overall workload.

Within 3 months, the team brought the active case load down by 45% and reduced the number of cases lasting longer than 90 days by almost 60%.

Read the entire article at https://denpeakacademy.com/2017/07/05/a-public-health-inspections-team-started-keeping-their-score-what-happened-next-was-amazing/