Practicing Constructive Discontent At SBP

by Zack Rosenburg When we (Liz McCartney and I) first realized that sustaining continuous improvement in our work required us to become an organization of problem solvers, we also discovered that we were not thrilled with the phrase continuous improvement, which felt a bit like a hamster on a wheel. And so, with the input of […]

Brevard County Using Lean Six Sigma to Create a Better Tomorrow

Since October 2015, Brevard County (Florida) Government has worked on institutionalizing Lean Six Sigma as a way to help create a better tomorrow. Leading the Lean Six Sigma initiatives out of the County Manager’s Office is Special Projects Coordinator Katherine Wall.  Lean Six Sigma successes to date include: The Development Application Process: Successfully reduced site plan […]

Lean thinking, better teaching

A Dutch primary school discovered how lean principles could be used to tackle an overburdening (muri) of staff in 10 of its 55 schools. Linda van Driel and Eric Steenbakkers (lean coaches) brought A3 thinking to Zaan Primair, a problem-solving method that would help them to clarify where the overburdening came from. An initial analysis […]

Reducing Position Eligibility Review Time by 30% with Kimberly Fleming

Kimberly Fleming works for the Retirement Team at King County in the state of Washington. The Position Eligibility Worksheet was a huge pain point for everyone involved in the Retirement Position Eligibility program. The team was tasked with creating value stream maps of processes within their department to identify waste. After reviewing the form with the 8 Wastes in mind, […]

Colorado Lean Network Practitioners Help Metro Caring with Anti-Hunger Program

Metro Caring is Denver’s front-line anti-hunger organization through poverty reduction. Those in need can choose from an array of nutritious foods based on their dietary needs and preferences, and leave with a week’s supply of groceries, including fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, dairy, and lean protein. They agreed to collaborate with members from the […]

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